What is 24 Solar terms and 72 pentads in Japan?

Japan has four distinct seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. By further dividing the four seasons, people sensed the seasons and made use of them in their daily lives. In particular, from ancient times, the 24 solar terms have been useful in agricultural work in order to know the seasons more accurately. I would like to introduce the 24 solar terms and the 72 seasons that have been familiar to the Japanese people since ancient times.

What are 24 Solar terms and 72 pentads?

Japan's four seasons are subdivided into 24 Solar terms, and the 24 seasons are further divided into 72 pentads. In 72 pentads, natural phenomena and the behavior of plants and animals are expressed in short words to show the seasonal changes in more detail.

The Origin of 24 Solar terms in China

Since 24 Solar terms originally came from China, there was a problem of discrepancies between the seasons in China and Japan. It is said that the Japanese took the Chinese lunar calendar and 24 Solar terms and shaped them to match the actual Japan's monsoon climate. (1)

Details of 24 Solar terms

24 solar terms are as follows:

Spring立春(Risshun)Beginning of Spring; Coldest days are almost over and we can feel the sign of spring.2/4
Spring雨水(Usui)Rain Water; It becomes warmer. Snow and ice starts melting and snow becomes rain.2/19
Spring啓蟄(Keichitsu)Insects Awakening; Insects come out of hibernation.3/5
Spring春分(Shunbun)Spring Equinox; Length of day and night becomes nearly equal.3/21
Spring清明(Seimei)Fresh Green; Everything looks fresh and pure.4/5
Spring穀雨(Kokuu)Grain Rain; Spring rain showers for grains.4/20
Summer立夏(Rikka)Beginning of Summer; We feel the sign of Summer.5/5
Summer小満(Shoman)Lesser Fullness; Everything grows.5/21
Summer芒種(Boshu)Grain in Ear; Time to plant grains6/6
Summer夏至(Geshi)Summer Solstice; Length of day becomes longest.6/21
Summer小暑(Shousho)Lesser Heat; Times when the rainy season ends and it becomes hot7/7
Summer大暑(Taisho)Greater Heat; Hottest days7/23
Fall立秋(Rishu)Beginning of Autumn; Times when we feel the sign of fall8/8
Fall処暑(Shosho)End of Heat; Times when we feel less heat8/23
Fall白露(Hakuro)White Dew; White dew stays on the grass.9/8
Fall秋分(Shuubun)Autumnal Equinox; Length of day and night becomes nearly equal.9/23
Fall寒露(Kanro)Cold Dew; Cold dews drops on wild grasses.10/8
Fall霜降(Souko)First Frost; Times when frost falls10/24
Winter立冬(Ritto)Beginning of Winter; Times when we feel the sign of winter11/7
Winter小雪(Shousetsu)Light Snow; Chilly Season. Rain becomes Snow.11/22
Winter大雪(Taisetsu)Heavy Snow; Snow starts falling12/7
Winter冬至(Toji)Winter Solstice; Times when the length of a day becomes shortest12/21
Winter小寒(Shokan)Lesser Cold; Start of cold season1/5
Winter大寒(Daikan)Greater Cold; Coldest days1/21
Details of 24 Solar terms - Definition by National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

Details of 72 pentads

72 pentads are as follows:

立春 Risshun (Beginning of spring)February 4–8東風解凍 Harukaze kōri o tokuEast wind melts the ice
立春 Risshun (Beginning of spring)February 9–13黄鶯睍睆 Kōō kenkan suBush warblers start singing in the mountains
立春 Risshun (Beginning of spring)February 14–18魚上氷 Uo kōri o izuruFish emerge from the ice
雨水 Usui (Rainwater)February 19–23土脉潤起 Tsuchi no shō uruoi okoruRain moistens the soil
雨水 Usui (Rainwater)February 24–28霞始靆 Kasumi hajimete tanabikuMist starts to linger
雨水 Usui (Rainwater)March 1–5草木萌動 Sōmoku mebae izuruGrass sprouts, trees bud
啓蟄 Keichitsu (Insects awaken)March 6–10蟄虫啓戸 Sugomori mushito o hirakuHibernating insects surface
啓蟄 Keichitsu (Insects awaken)March 11–15桃始笑 Momo hajimete sakuFirst peach blossoms
啓蟄 Keichitsu (Insects awaken)March 16–20菜虫化蝶 Namushi chō to naruCaterpillars become butterflies
春分 Shunbun (Spring equinox)March 21–25雀始巣 Suzume hajimete sukūSparrows start to nest
春分 Shunbun (Spring equinox)March 26–30櫻始開 Sakura hajimete sakuFirst cherry blossoms
春分 Shunbun (Spring equinox)March 31–April 4雷乃発声 Kaminari sunawachi koe o hassuDistant thunder
清明 Seimei (Pure and clear)April 5–9玄鳥至 Tsubame kitaruSwallows return
清明 Seimei (Pure and clear)April 10–14鴻雁北 Kōgan kaeruWild geese fly north
清明 Seimei (Pure and clear)April 15–19虹始見 Niji hajimete arawaruFirst rainbows
穀雨 Kokuu (Grain rains)April 20–24葭始生 Ashi hajimete shōzuFirst reeds sprout
穀雨 Kokuu (Grain rains)April 25–29霜止出苗 Shimo yamite nae izuruLast frost, rice seedlings grow
穀雨 Kokuu (Grain rains)April 30–May 4牡丹華 Botan hana sakuPeonies bloom
立夏 Rikka (Beginning of summer)May 5–9蛙始鳴 Kawazu hajimete nakuFrogs start singing
立夏 Rikka (Beginning of summer)May 10–14蚯蚓出 Mimizu izuruWorms surface
立夏 Rikka (Beginning of summer)May 15–20竹笋生 Takenoko shōzuBamboo shoots sprout
小満 Shōman (Lesser ripening)May 21–25蚕起食桑 Kaiko okite kuwa o hamuSilkworms start feasting on mulberry leaves
小満 Shōman (Lesser ripening)May 26–30紅花栄 Benibana sakauSafflowers bloom
小満 Shōman (Lesser ripening)May 31–June 5麦秋至 Mugi no toki itaruWheat ripens and is harvested
芒種 Bōshu (Grain beards and seeds)June 6–10蟷螂生 Kamakiri shōzuPraying mantises hatch
芒種 Bōshu (Grain beards and seeds)June 11–15腐草為螢 Kusaretaru kusa hotaru to naruRotten grass becomes fireflies
芒種 Bōshu (Grain beards and seeds)June 16–20梅子黄 Ume no mi kibamuPlums turn yellow
夏至 Geshi (Summer solstice)June 21–26乃東枯 Natsukarekusa karuruSelf-heal withers
夏至 Geshi (Summer solstice)June 27–July 1菖蒲華 Ayame hana sakuIrises bloom
夏至 Geshi (Summer solstice)July 2–6半夏生 Hange shōzuCrow-dipper sprouts
小暑 Shōsho (Lesser heat)July 7–11温風至 Atsukaze itaruWarm winds blow
小暑 Shōsho (Lesser heat)July 12–16蓮始開 Hasu hajimete hirakuFirst lotus blossoms
小暑 Shōsho (Lesser heat)July 17–22鷹乃学習 Taka sunawachi waza o narauHawks learn to fly
大暑 Taisho (Greater heat)July 23–28桐始結花 Kiri hajimete hana o musubuPaulownia trees produce seeds
大暑 Taisho (Greater heat)July 29–August 2土潤溽暑 Tsuchi uruōte mushi atsushiEarth is damp, air is humid
大暑 Taisho (Greater heat)August 3–7大雨時行 Taiu tokidoki furuGreat rains sometimes fall
立秋 Risshū (Beginning of autumn)August 8–12涼風至 Suzukaze itaruCool winds blow
立秋 Risshū (Beginning of autumn)August 13–17寒蝉鳴 Higurashi nakuEvening cicadas sing
立秋 Risshū (Beginning of autumn)August 18–22蒙霧升降 Fukaki kiri matōThick fog descends
処暑 Shosho (Manageable heat)August 23–27綿柎開 Wata no hana shibe hirakuCotton flowers bloom
処暑 Shosho (Manageable heat)August 28–September 1天地始粛 Tenchi hajimete samushiHeat starts to die down
処暑 Shosho (Manageable heat)September 2–7禾乃登 Kokumono sunawachi minoruRice ripens
白露 Hakuro (White dew)September 8–12草露白 Kusa no tsuyu shiroshiDew glistens white on grass
白露 Hakuro (White dew)September 13–17鶺鴒鳴 Sekirei nakuWagtails sing
白露 Hakuro (White dew)September 18–22玄鳥去 Tsubame saruSwallows leave
秋分 Shūbun (Autumn equinox)September 23–27雷乃収声 Kaminari sunawachi koe o osamuThunder ceases
秋分 Shūbun (Autumn equinox)September 28–October 2蟄虫坏戸 Mushi kakurete to o fusaguInsects hole up underground
秋分 Shūbun (Autumn equinox)October 3–7水始涸 Mizu hajimete karuruFarmers drain fields
寒露 Kanro (Cold dew)October 8–12鴻雁来 Kōgan kitaruWild geese return
寒露 Kanro (Cold dew)October 13–17菊花開 Kiku no hana hirakuChrysanthemums bloom
寒露 Kanro (Cold dew)October 18–22蟋蟀在戸 Kirigirisu to ni ariCrickets chirp around the door
霜降 Sōkō (Frost falls)October 23–27霜始降 Shimo hajimete furuFirst frost
霜降 Sōkō (Frost falls)October 28–November 1霎時施 Kosame tokidoki furuLight rains sometimes fall
霜降 Sōkō (Frost falls)November 2–6楓蔦黄 Momiji tsuta kibamuMaple leaves and ivy turn yellow
立冬 Rittō (Beginning of winter)November 7–11山茶始開 Tsubaki hajimete hirakuCamellias bloom
立冬 Rittō (Beginning of winter)November 12–16地始凍 Chi hajimete kōruLand starts to freeze
立冬 Rittō (Beginning of winter)November 17–21金盞香 Kinsenka sakuDaffodils bloom
小雪 Shōsetsu (Lesser snow)November 22–26虹蔵不見 Niji kakurete miezuRainbows hide
小雪 Shōsetsu (Lesser snow)November 27–December 1朔風払葉 Kitakaze konoha o harauNorth wind blows the leaves from the trees
小雪 Shōsetsu (Lesser snow)December 2–6橘始黄 Tachibana hajimete kibamuTachibana citrus tree leaves start to turn yellow
大雪 Taisetsu (Greater snow)December 7–11閉塞成冬 Sora samuku fuyu to naruCold sets in, winter begins
大雪 Taisetsu (Greater snow)December 12–16熊蟄穴 Kuma ana ni komoruBears start hibernating in their dens
大雪 Taisetsu (Greater snow)December 17–21鱖魚群 Sake no uo muragaruSalmon gather and swim upstream
冬至 Tōji (Winter solstice)December 22–26乃東生 Natsukarekusa shōzuSelf-heal sprouts
冬至 Tōji (Winter solstice)December 27–31麋角解 Sawashika no tsuno otsuruDeer shed antlers
冬至 Tōji (Winter solstice)January 1–4雪下出麦 Yuki watarite mugi nobiruWheat sprouts under snow
小寒 Shōkan (Lesser cold)January 5–9芹乃栄 Seri sunawachi sakauParsley flourishes
小寒 Shōkan (Lesser cold)January 10–14水泉動 Shimizu atataka o fukumuSprings thaw
小寒 Shōkan (Lesser cold)January 15–19雉始雊 Kiji hajimete nakuPheasants start to call
大寒 Daikan (Greater cold)January 20–24款冬華 Fuki no hana sakuButterburs bud
大寒 Daikan (Greater cold)January 25–29水沢腹堅 Sawamizu kōri tsumeruIce thickens on streams
大寒 Daikan (Greater cold)January 30–February 3鶏始乳 Niwatori hajimete toya ni tsukuHens start laying eggs
Definition by nippon.com - Japan’s 72 Microseasons

(1) Haruo Shirane Japan and the Culture of the Four Seasons Nature, Literature, and the Arts (Japanese Edition) (Kindle Locations 344-346). Kindle Edition.

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